
The rectifier transformer is acting as link between the grid and the AC to DC converters. Application of rectifier transformer is to provide required number of phases, voltage shifts needed to realize the conversion and to adjust the rectifier input to vary the DC output voltage. Rectifier transformer is generally used in various applications such as electrolysis process, aluminum smelting, graphitizing etc.

Rectifier transformers are associated with very high secondary currents encompassed with huge harmonic content caused by semiconductors devices connected to transformer.

Depending upon client need TARIL offers,

Sustainability goals

We offer the most complete industrial solutions in the century for the research, design & development of materials.

Guaranteed quality

The procedures and techniques that are used during the building process

Product Range

TARIL Rectifier transformer product range covers 160 kA, various types include,

A shunt reactor is an absorber of reactive power, thus increasing the energy efficiency of the system. It is the most compact device commonly used for reactive power compensation in long high-voltage transmission lines and in cable systems. The shunt reactor can be directly connected to the power line or to a tertiary winding of a three-winding transformer.

The shunt reactor could be permanently connected or switched via a circuit breaker. To improve the adjustment of the consumed reactive power the reactor can also have a variable rating. If the load variation is slow, which it normally is (seasonal, daily or hourly), a variable shunt reactor (VSR) could be an economical solution for some customer applications.

Depending upon client need TARIL offers:

  • Single phase or three phase
  • With or without variable rating
  • Mineral oil or ester filled

TARIL Shunt Reactor product range covers upto 135 MVAr, 400 kV Three phase and 110 MVAr, 765 kV Single phase.

TARIL Advantage:

  • Robust proven design baked by production excellence and stringent quality control
  • Attractive delivery time
  • Excellent service track record

Series Reactors are mainly used in with the purpose of arc stability for furnace transformers, limiting current, reduction of flicker in network etc. TARIL has successfully designed and supplied variety of series reactors for different applications.

Depending upon client need TARIL offers:

  • Single phase or three phase
  • With or without variable rating
  • Mineral oil or ester filled